Wednesday, May 27, 2020

This is how you can make your internet connection more fast and reliable!

How to Check Your Internet Speed | PCMag

Have you ever wondered how you could possibly get a faster, more reliable internet connection than you currently get?

If this has ever crossed your mind, you’ve come to the right spot.

Due to the current situation with the COVID-19 pandemic, the majority of people are using the internet more than usual due to working and attending classes and meetings from the comfort of their home via the internet.

We’ve gathered the top 5 tips to ensure you get the best, fasted, reliable connection.

Ethernet Over Wi-Fi

An ethernet connection will always be a better, faster, and more reliable connection when compared to using a wireless connection. Instead of having to rely on over the air signals that can interfere easily with other signals around the house, an ethernet connection is direct from the modem to your device ensuring the best connection possible.

Ethernet is also more secure than Wi-Fi, as you cannot hack into an ethernet connection like you can with Wi-Fi

Switching ISP’s

Depending on your location, certain internet service providers are far superior than others. For example, Bell vs. Rogers. In certain locations, a roger’s cable connection might be more stable and faster than Bell’s DSL internet connection. If you have a DSL connection and are experiencing interruptions and slow speed, you might want to give cable internet a try and vice versa.

Use Powerline Adapters

If your Wi-Fi is slow or your Wi-Fi connection is weak and you’re unable to get a direct ethernet connection from your internet modem to your device, the solution is to use a powerline adapter. With powerline adapters, you essentially have 2 adapters. One adapter plugs directly into your modem and a power outlet while the other plugs into your device along with a power outlet. The adapters use the existing electrical wiring from your home to transmit the internet connection and provide you with a reliable ethernet connection that does not require your modem to be directly beside your device.

Upgrade Your Internet Plan

Every internet service provider has multiple plans available. It may be that you are currently on a not so fast internet plan. It is best to call your internet service provider and look at the available options and you might also be able to negotiate a better plan with them!

Reposition your Wi-fi Router And Optimize Settings

If you’re unable to use an ethernet connection and must use Wi-Fi, ensure that your router is in a good central location. Ensure that your router is on the middle floor of your home so the connection will reach all locations of your home. You could also go more in-depth into the settings of your router and optimize them to your needs.

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