Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Top 5 ways to study more effectively

How to Study Way More Effectively | The Feynman Technique - YouTube

We’ve all had to study at one point in our lives. We’ve gathered some tips and tricks for you on how you can study more effectively in the future.

Fewer distractions and more studying

The majority of the time while studying, we tend to multitask and do other things. Instead, we need to give studying our full attention and avoid doing other things in the process of studying so that we can retain the most information possible and make studying more effective.

Study for short periods

Instead of studying for long periods, you should limit your studying sessions and ensure you are giving your full attention to these short time frames in which you are studying. Do not let yourself get distracted when you are studying.

Test yourself

You should make practice questions and test yourself. This way you can find out what material you know and what material you should be giving more attention to. Coming up with practise questions and answers to them may help you retain the information much better than just reading the material.

Paraphrase and take notes

When you are reading from a textbook, you should paraphrase what you have just read and take down notes that you can refer to when needed. You might not be able to retain much if you are reading long paragraphs from textbooks however, if you were to take notes and refer to them when needed, you will be able to retain much more.

Find a good studying environment

You should find a nice quiet place to study. For example, you should not be studying in a loud, noisy place where you will not be able to focus and be easily distracted. You should find a quiet place where you are by yourself and away from any kind of distractions. You should also put your phone away to further avoid getting distracted.

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