Monday, May 25, 2020

This is why a shorter workweek is needed

Having a shorter work week gives you lots of time to do other things, one being having the ability to spend more time with your loved ones. Who wouldn’t want to spend more time with their family and friends? Wouldn’t you love to do that if you had the choice? I’m sure most people would love it and it’s never too late to ask your boss for a shorter work week!

It is important to spend time with your family. For some people, the weekend isn’t the most suitable time for them to spend with their family because that period of time is devoted to other important things. With a shorter workweek, it gives individuals the time and energy to focus on all important things in their lives such as family. With the extended time, you can drop your kids off at school, do grocery shopping with your family, or go visit close family members such as your grandparents. There are multiple activities you could do with your family, which can be almost impossible to do if you were at work.

Spending quality time with friends and family is very important. You can’t be working all the time and not spend time with your family. When you spend time with your family, you build memories that will last a lifetime. You make the family bond stronger which helps you connect with your family (Sletten, 2011). With a shorter workweek, there is lots of time that can be spent with your family.

Do you think having a shorter workweek would make it easier for you to spend quality time with your family and friends? Please leave a comment below.

Sletten, D. (2011, June 1). 5 Reasons family time rocks. Retrieved from She Knows Canada:

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